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초빙연구위원은 초빙기간 동안 특정과제에 대한 연구를 수행하고 연구결과를 토대로 세미나를 개최하며 논문을 제출하여야 합니다.

초빙연구위원 현황


2015년 초방연구위원 현황
성명 소속, 지위, 경력 기간 일정, 장소 주제
Fernando Duarte
  • Economist, Capital Markets Function, Federal Reserve Bank of New York
  • CV
1.20 ~ 1.22 - 세미나, 1.20일 10:30
- 소공별관 13층 제1세미나실
Inflation Risk and the Cross Section of Stock Returns


2014년 초방연구위원 현황
성명 소속, 지위, 경력 기간 일정, 장소 주제
  • Robert S. Brookings Distinguished Professor in Arts and Sciences, Washington University in St. Louis
  • Research Fellow, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
  • CV
4.11 - 세미나, 4.11일
- 본관 15층 연수실
Scarce Collateral, the Term Premium, and Quantitative Easing
Eswar Prasad
  • Professor of Economics, Cornell University
  • Senior Fellow and New Century Chair in International Economics, Brookings Institution
  • CV
4.17 - 세미나, 4.17일
- 본관 15층 연수실
The Dollar Trap: How the U.S. Dollar Tightened Its Grip on Global Finance
Jeffrey Frankel
  • James W.Harpel Professor of Capital Formation and Growth, Harvard University
  • Advisory Board, Center for Economic Research of Korea, Sungkyunkwan Univ.
  • CV
5. 26 - 세미나, 5.26일
- 본관 15층 연수실
Fiscal Procyclicality and Over-optimism in Official Forecasts
Kei-Mu Yi
  • Special Policy Advisor to the President, Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis
  • Senior Vice President and Director of Research, Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis
  • CV
6.5 - 세미나, 6.5일
- 소공별관 13층 제2
How Much of South Korea's Growth Miracle can be Explained by Trade Policy?
  • University Distinguished Professor, Michigan State University
  • Scientia Professor, University of New South Wales
  • CV
6.24 - 세미나, 6.24일
- 소공별관 13층 제2
Intellectual Property Rights and Strategic Patent Litigation
Robert McCauley
  • Senior Adviser in Monetary and Economic Department, BIS
  • CV
11.6 - 세미나, 11.6일
- 소공별관 13층 대회의실
Does the dollar confer an exorbitant privilege to the US economy?
  • Economist Program/Economist, International Monetary Fund
11.11 - 세미나, 11.11일
- 소공별관 13층 제1세미나실
Is Private Investment in Advanced Economies Too Low?
  • Senior Economist, Monetary and Economic Department, BIS
  • CV
12.8 - 세미나, 12.8일
- 소공별관 13층 제1세미나실
Comparative Assessment of Macroprudential Policies


2013년 초방연구위원 현황
성명 소속, 지위, 경력 기간 일정, 장소 주제
  • Professor of Economics, University of Pennsylvania
  • Consultant, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
  • CV
- 세미나, 6.21일 16:00
- 본관 15층 소연수실
The Impact of Cartelization, Money, and Productivity Shocks on the International Great Depression
James Hamilton
  • Professor of Economics, University of California, San Diego
  • CV
6.28 - 세미나, 6.28일 17:00
- 소공별관 13층 대회의실
Crunch Time: Fiscal Crises and the Role of Monetary Policy
Enrique Mendoza
  • Professor of Economics, University of Maryland
  • Research Associate, National Bureau of Economic Research
  • Economics Advisory Panel, National Science Foundation
  • CV
- 강연, 7.1일 16:00
- 본관 15층 소연수실
From Credit Booms to Credit Crises: Facts, Modeling and Policy Lessons
- 세미나, 7.2일 16:00
- 소공별관 13층 제2 세미나실
Saving Europe?: The Unpleasant Arithmetic of Fiscal Austerity in Integrated Economies
David Cook
  • Associate Professor, Economics Dept. Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
  • Local Member, Advisory Committee for the Hong Kong Institute of Monetary Research, Hong Kong Monetary Authority
  • CV
- 세미나, 7.18일 16:00
- 소공별관 13층 제2 세미나실
The Optimal Currency Area in a Liquidity Trap
Micheal Woodford
  • John Bates Clark Professor of Political Economy, Columbia University
  • Scientific Advisor, Sveriges Riksbank
  • CV
- 강연, 8.6일 14:00
- 소공별관 13층 대회의실
Forward Guidance as a Tool of Monetary Policy
- 세미나, 8.7일 15:00
- 소공별관 13층 대회의실
Monetary Policy and Financial Stability
Tao Wu
  • Ph.D., Economics, Yale University
  • Senior Economist at the IMF institute
  • CV
12.6 - 소공별관 13층 대회의실 Unconventional Monetary Policy and Long-Term Interest Rates

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