[Session 3] Potential Roles for Policy
This session seeks preemptive and proactive roles for monetary and macro-prudential policies. Designing policy responses in a new scope may involve managing capital flows in the face of divergent monetary policies in major countries, dealing with debt overhangs in the wake of global interest rate normalization, and adopting different policy prescriptions to different types of debt. Policymakers may want to check if they have sufficient policy space and access to other sources of resort.
Moderator Kalpana Kochhar
Deputy Director, Asia and Pacific Department, IMF
Speakers Varapat Chensavasdijai
Deputy Unit Chief, Strategy, Policy and Review Department, IMF
Managing Capital Flows: Some Considerations Based on the Fund’s
Institutional View
Hoe Jeong Kim
Director General, International Financial Cooperation Bureau, MOSF
Corporate Foreign Debt and Policy Responses in EMEs
Discussants Kwanho Shin
Professor, Korea University
Brahima Coulibaly
Chief, Division of International Finance, Federal Reserve Board