Financial Statement Analysis for 2013

Survey Description Statement Classification
Economic Statistics Department(





    Financial Statement Analysis (FSA), published annually by the Bank of Korea since 1960 in accordance with the provisions of Article 86 of the Bank of Korea Act, describes the details of the business performances and financial conditions of Korean corporations.

    This edition covers the financial statement analysis report, the concepts of and methods for calculating the major financial ratios, and the financial statements of Korean corporations classified by industry. For cross-country comparability, the major financial ratios of advanced countries’ such as the U.S., Japan and Germany are included.


    For user convenience, the full text of this book and the related data files are also available on the Bank of Korea’s Economic Statistics System website (


    The Bank of Korea is devoting its best efforts to the qualitative improvement of its economic statistics. In 2011 the FSA statistics were changed to aggregate statistics, using financial statements submitted to the National Tax Service for corporate tax returns. This improvement has reduced the estimation errors from the sampling methods previously used, while also relieving companies’ survey response burdens and reducing survey costs, and boosted the accuracy of corporate financial results and positions in Korea.


    We hope that this book will be helpful to companies in framing their business strategies, to the government sector in drawing up economic policies, and to financial institutions in assessing credit risk. Finally, we wish to express our sincere appreciation to all of the cooperating institutions whose efforts have helped to make this work possible.

                                                                                                       November 2014


                               Yung Taek Jung


                                             Director General

                                             Economic Statistics Dept.

                                             The Bank of Korea

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