the Bank of Korea
Speech at the International Conference on Green Finance, June 2023
Bank of Korea's Mid- to Long-Term Development Strategic Plan: BOK 2030
BOK 2030 The Bank of Korea's mid- to long-term development strategy, BOK 2030, was announced to commemorate the 70th anniversary of its foundation and declared the Bank’s determination to take the lead in presenting effective policy measures based on in-depth research and analyses of major tasks that have a wide impact on our economy and society, including climate change.
2021. 10
Climate Change Response Strategy
Climate Change Response Strategy The Bank of Korea released "Climate Change and the Bank of Korea's Response Strategy" which comprehensively reviews and analyzes the role of a central bank in addressing climate change. This report outlines the Bank's objectives and the methods it plans to employ for implementation.
Transition Risk Analysis
Climate Change Transition Risk and Financial Stability The Bank of Korea conducted an analysis of the impact that transition risks—stemming from both domestic and international environmental regulations, as well as the shift towards a low-carbon economy—have on the Korean economy and financial system.
Designation as an institution under the GHG Target Management Scheme
Designation as an institution under the GHG Target Management Scheme The Bank of Korea has been designated as a public institution subject to the Ministry of Environment's GHG Target Management Scheme and is striving to gradually reduce its GHG emissions by 2030 to 37% of its 2018 levels.
Physical Risk Analysis
Analyzing the Impact of Physical Risks from Domestic Climate Change on the Real Economy The Bank of Korea assessed the impact of climate change-related physical risks on the real economy, industrial output, and the stability of the financial sector.
Establishment of the Office of Sustainable Growth
Establishment of the Office of Sustainable Growth The Office of Sustainable Growth was established by merging existing climate change-related units and to unify climate change initiatives across the Bank's policies and operations.
Climate Change
Core Agendas for Tackling Climate Change

- Analyzing Climate Risks The Bank of Korea analyzes and assesses risks posed by climate change to the economy and the financial system and proposes policy measures. View More
- Supporting the Green Transition To support an orderly transition to a net-zero economy and to facilitate green finance, the Bank of Korea examines its policy instruments and continues to expand ESG investment of its foreign currency assets. View More
- Participating in Global Efforts to Combat Climate Change The Bank of Korea cooperates with international organizations, central banks, and domestic agencies to enhance understanding of and to share information about climate risks, to make joint responses, and to thereby propose policy measures. View More
- A Sustainable BOK The Band of Korea is expanding the disclosure of information related to its sustainability management in an effort to minimize the carbon footprint of its policy implementation and physical operations and to enhance accountability and transparency. View More
- 2022.01 The Bank of Korea established the Climate Risk Research Section within its Financial Stability Department to analyze financial risks associated with climate change.
- 2023.01 The Bank of Korea established the Sustainable Growth Committee, supervised by the Senior Deputy Governor, to oversee climate change response strategies. Additionally a working group was formed within the Strategy & Coordination Department.
- 2024.02 To unify climate change response efforts across the Bank's policies and management, the Office of Sustainable Growth was established to consolidate and merge existing climate-related units.

Activities | 2024 | 2025 and after | |
Climate Risk Analysis | 1Economic Assessment |
2Climate Model | Continuously expand climate models, for example, through the improvement of transition risk stress test models and the development of physical risk models. |
3Climate Matrics | Examine and explore climate-related statistics and risk indicators. |
Supporting the Green Transition | 4Green Finance | Conduct research into financial instruments and systems to facilitate green finance for small and medium-sized enterprises. |
5Monetary Policy Measures | Perform research into monetary policy measures to respond to climate change. |
6ESG Investment | Integrate ESG elements into foreign reserve management goals. |
Review and promoting the expansion of ESG information disclosure. |
Strengthen the monitoring of climate risk indicators. |
Establish an internal negative screening process. |
Global Cooperation | 7Global Cooperation | Contribute to global climate change response efforts by actively participating in international organizations (including the NGFS, the BCBS TFCR, the G20 SFWG, and other bodies). |
8Domestic Cooperation | Promote green finance by proactively cooperating with the 2050 Carbon Neutrality and Green Growth Commission and other financial authorities, and helping to ensure the transition to a low-carbon economy that will serve as an opportunity for economic growth. |
9Conferences & Seminars | Host joint conferences and seminars on climate change with the government, international organizations, economic associations. |
A Sustainable BOK | 10Governance | Establish a framework that takes into account climate change as a long-term initiative in the Bank’s business operations. |
11Transparency | Add a climate change section to the BOK website. |
Publish a sustainable report. |
12Carbon emission | Monitor GHG emissions. |
Set GHG reduction targets. |
Review and implement carbon emission reduction measures across all aspects of the Bank's operations. |
- Papers 2025.02.17 [Session 2] Climate Change and the Role of the Bank of Korea
- Papers 2025.02.17 [Session 1-2] Estimating the Costs of Carbon Reduction and Impact Analysis of Response to Climate Change by Industry
- Papers 2025.02.17 [Session 1-1] Climate Change's Growing Impact on South Korea's Economy -New Evidence from the Extreme Climate Index
- Conference/Seminar 2025.01.31 Symposium on Economic Impact of Climate Change and Response, and the Role of the Bank of Korea