Global Code Register
Seoul Register
- Seoul Foreign Exchange Committee(FXC) is a member of the Global Foreign Exchange Committee(GFXC), and provides a Public Register of the Seoul FX Market (Seoul Register).
- Any Market participants active in the wholesale Seoul FX Market can sign a Statement of Commitment (Statement) to the FX Global Code and post it on the Seoul Register to signal their commitment to adopt and adhere to the good practices in the FX Global Code.
- Market participants should review, update and remove their Statement when necessary and as appropriate. Following each update of the FX Global Code, all Market Participants listed on the Seoul Register should renew their Statement by reviewing the FX Global Code again. The Market Participants will be informed and requested to do so in connection with Seoul FXC meetings and should submit an updated Statement within a reasonable time period.
- Also, Market participants(Liquidity Provider or Platform) could post their Disclosure Cover Sheet to disclose information relating to their FX markets activities.
- If a Market Participant, listed on the Seoul Register, wishes to publish/update/remove its Statement or Disclosure Cover Sheet, please send an email to
- The format of the Statement can be downloaded here.
- For more detail, please see statement of commitment section or Disclosure Cover Sheets section on the GFXC website,
- The format of the Statement can be downloaded here.
- This Register will be shared with the GFXC and their Global Index can be found at the following link:
To see Statement of Commitment, please click here.
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