The Bank of Korea's 70-year History in Pictures
Chapter 1 Foundation of the Bank of Korea
Chapter 2 Postwar Recovery and Reorganization of the Monetary and Financial System(1950-1961)
Chapter 3 Rapid Growth of the Korean Economy and Establishment of a Growth-Oriented Financial System(1962-1971)
Chapter 4 Financial and Economic Stabilization During the High-Growth Period and Response to the Impacts of Oil Crises(1972-1979)
Chapter 5 Policies for Stable Growth and Promotion of Financial Liberalization(1980-1989)
Chapter 6 Globalization of the Korean Economy and Acceleration of Financial Liberalization and Openness(1990-1996)
Chapter 7 Overcoming the 1997 Currency Crisis and Pursuing Financial Stability(1997-2003)
Chapter 8 Strengthening the Groundwork for Price and Financial Stability and Response to the Global Financial Crisis(2004-2011)
Chapter 9 Global Uncertainties and Balance Between Economic Growth and Financial Stability(2012-)
Chapter 10 Future Direction of the Bank of Korea